How to Go Paperless With eQuipt
Log into
If this is your first time logging in, you will need to answer a few security questions to further protect information.
Click on the “go paperless” icon at the top right portion of the page.
Ensure the accurate email address is listed for e-delivery (add and save the correct one if not). Then choose the “Quick Enrollment (for all accounts)” or the “Edit” link beside E-Delivery Preferences.
Check the box for both Statements and Reports and Trade Confirmations, then click the “Save” button. (To get paper again, simply uncheck the box for Statements and again click “Save”)
Review the Electronic Notification Agreement, and then scroll to the bottom of the agreement and click the “I Accept” button.
You will receive an on-screen confirmation that the changes to your Document Delivery Preferences have been updated successfully. You are now setup to receive Trade Confirmations, Statement, and Reports via e-mail.